1. You must sign-in at the Camel Caravan bus before proceeding to your assigned vendor spot. Registration and vendor setup is 8:00 am - 9:30 am on the morning of the event. You may bring your vehicle to your vendor spot to unload, etc. but you must have the vehicle off the Festival area by 9:30 am. Vendor teardown cannot begin before 2 pm.
2. There are no refunds for your registration fee for any reason.
3. Vendors may bring tables, chairs, tents, exhibits, etc. of any kind as long as they fit within the assigned space and they do not interfere with others or the event itself, i.e. loud sounds or music, etc.
4. No smoking, including vaping, or alcohol allowed anywhere on the event grounds.
5. Vendors must pay in advance to guarantee a space.
Please note, the following types of vendors or exhibits are not allowed at the event:
Political parties or organizations, political action committees, etc.
Weapons of any kind including guns, knives, etc.
Alcohol, drugs, or smoking (including vaping).
"Bouncy Houses", slides, or other similar activities.
Group or individual whose actions are contrary to our Inclusion and Diversity Policy as stated on our website.
Any other that is determined to be detrimental or harmful to the mission of the event or The Camel Project.
The Camel Project is solely responsible for determining the suitability of vendors and its decisions are final.
Occupying the space: Only the organization responsible for the agreement may occupy the space. Your space must represent only the business/organization that is contracted with The Camel Project.
Vendor space
is approximately 8 ft. x 10 ft. Larger sizes may be available,
contact us.
is not available.
WIFI: Wifi is not available.
Booklet Ads (optional) - All
must be camera-ready (.tif,
.jpg, .pdf) and
submitted by April
TCP and the Reading
District, et al,
shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury that may
occur to the exhibitor’s employees or property from any cause
whatsoever, prior, during, or subsequent to the period covered by the
exhibit application. The exhibitor, in registering for this event,
expressly releases The Camel Project and the Reading
District, et al,
from and agrees to indemnify the same, against any and all claims for
such loss, damages, or injury.
help us make this a fun and safe event!
Pamela Gockley, SAF2025@thecamelproject.org
sure to let your customers
and followers know you’ll be at the ChalkPalooza!
2025 The Camel Project© www.TheCamelProject.org