Smart Recovery
    smart recovery flyer1 1800w
    You're invited to move FORWARD.

    Come to our local SMART Recovery sessions.

    SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training.

    SMART Recovery is an international community of peer support groups that help people recover from addictive and problematic behaviors using a self-empowering and evidence-informed program.

    The SMART approach is secular and research-based. SMART has a global reach, with a presence established in more than 30 countries. SMART Recovery is effective with a range of addictive and problematic behaviors (alcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating, internet use, etc.

    Our 60-minute meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Thursdaysof the month (except holidays) at 7 pm, beginning July 25, 2024.

    All residents, veterans,1st responders, law enforcement, and anyone else seeking help are welcome.

    Meetings are facilitated by Pam Gockley, Executive Director of The Camel Project and a Smart Recovery Certified Facilitator.

    Please RSVP below.
    (RSVP is suggested, but NOT required.)

    Contact us for more information here.




    Smart Recovery Registration
