

    Executive Committee/Officers


    Pamela Gockley
    Pamela Gockley
    President/Executive Director of The Camel Project and Founder of The Camel Project
    Pam is certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and  Bullying Prevention by the CDC of the U.S. Department of Health.

    "Our mission is to prevent and eliminate bullying. Confidence and self-awareness coupled with a strong support system are missing from our communities. Helping people understand that their words and behaviors have an impact and to understand the impact is our focus."
    Email Pam 
    Click here to view Pam's full bio
    Luis Omar Guzmán
    Luis Omar Guzmán
    Vice-President of The Camel Project
    "The Camel Project is important to me because society needs to do better. Bullying is a primitive behavior that leads to negative impacts on emotional, physical, and financial health. If not addressed, it can lead to increased vandalism, domestic abuse, mass shootings, suicide, among other problems. We as an evolving species need to create more awareness around the detrimental effects that bullying has on families, workplaces, and individuals of all ages. Today’s advances in technology have created more pervasive incidents of bullying. We need to elevate the dialog and increase the collaborative impact."
    Email Luis
    Brad Hartline
    Brad Hartline
    Treasurer of The Camel Project
    More info soon.
    Dean Hornberger
    Dean Hornberger
    Secretary/Chief Technology Officer of The Camel Project
    "Bullying is a growing issue as reflected in the increasing violence in our schools and the increasing awareness of sexual harassment in, and out of, the workplace. The Camel Project is attempting to address this issue both in schools and in society at large. As a board member, I look forward to assisting Pam and the other board members in combating this stain on our society."
    Email Dean
    Robin Gray
    Robin J. Gray, Esq.
    The Law Office of Robin J. Gray and General Counsel of The Camel Project
    "I resonate with the Camel Project as I was a victim years ago of bullying and domestic abuse. I see the consequences of bullying in the legal system when managing cases involving children and youth as well as custody and divorce cases as well as individuals in the prison system. If bullying and domestic abuse were prevented and yet better, eliminated, there would not be the number of complex emotional and legal issues currently facing the system today."
    Email Robin




    Nick Hill
    Nick Hill
    Chief Programming Officer at Bethany Childrens Home
    "I elected to join the Camel Project because I truly believe in the mission of being an advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, the bullied. The Camel Project is unlike many organizations and started their roots here in the backyard of Berks County with a vision and hope for something great to cover not just Berks County but one day the state and further to provide insight and education to the effects of bullying. Often times our attention turns to the young kid bullying another kid, but we need to look deeper, bullying is most often a learned behavior. So as adults in this community it is our responsibility to the future generations to educate ourselves in all aspects of this topic, to hopefully prevent it from occurring in our schools and communities. I end with a quote, “Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” This project, exemplifies what it means to be a champion for our community. "
    Email Nick
    Lisa Pison
    Lisa Pison
    Lebanon County Career and Technology Center
    "The mission of the Camel Project is so important to me because as a victim of bullying in my teenage years, I can relate to the students that I teach and see every day. It is important to spread the message of the Camel Project so that we can continue to raise awareness and stop bullying by spreading positivity and light. Words have such a powerful impact on one another and it's important that we use the right words. I am honored to be able to help the Camel Project in creating solutions for this ever-growing problem in our community."
    Email Lisa
    Stephanie Warmkessel
    Stephanie Warmkessel
    "The Camel Project's mission to STOP Bullying is very near and dear to my heart. Over forty years ago, I experienced bullying first hand as a student growing up in our county school system. In today's fast-paced world and increasing technology, bullying behavior has grown tremendously. I am honored to be a part of this organization that wants to eliminate bullying entirely."
    Carolann Westendorp
    Carolann Westendorp
    Business Solutions Officer at Jonestown Bank & Trust
    "I met Pam Gockley at a networking event. We had not met previously and we hit it off immediately. We decided that we should meet for lunch so we could get to know each other. After hearing Pam’s story and the passion she has for anti-bullying I couldn’t help but feel the need to help with this very important initiative. I too had experience with bullying as my ex-husband is a bully and I understand how bullies are not just children but also adults. Being a target of a bully made me understand the need for education and programs to help reduce the amount of bullying in our community. I’ve been involved in many non-profits over the years and after meeting Pam I can say that her organization and her personality are one of the best matches I’ve made in a very long time. I am looking forward to a long relationship with both Pam and The Camel Project."
    Email Carolann


    Advisory Committee


    • Lucia DeAngelo, Customers Bank
    • Cassandra Hillegass, Assist. Professor at Central Penn College
    • Nancy Hughes, Author
    • Bryon C. Noon, Ed.D. Ankh Systems Consulting
    • Alyssa Slade, The Holleran Center at Alvernia University


     Please contact us for more information on how we can bring our programs to your organization or workplace.


    Our Good Will Ambassadors


    Slinky and Laptop

    Slinky and Laptop


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